Horizontal Directional Drilling - HDD
Horizontal directional drilling, HDD, can be a useful and cost-effective solution when utility placement is required in difficult locations. Open trench solutions have many limitations when terrain is difficult, or infrastructure is in the way. Importantly, Horizontal Directional Drilling can go places open cut options cannot. By using HDD, we can place pipes under roads, rail lines and rivers with minimal disruption to the structures and environment above. In short, we can get your pipes into position with little disturbance to the local community or environment.
HBT have worked in many environmentally sensitive locations, see above Airports, UTX crossing of Railway infrastructure & National Highway & Rivers etc.
By using HDD, we can pass deep below any surface, from marshes to riverbeds and beaches. This will ensure that the local environment, be it salmon and otter habitats, through to trees and mosses, suffer no negative impact from works.